Having some free time, I attempted to watch a DVD someone wanted to bless me with called: Conversations With God based on the life of Neale Donald Walsch. As is my habit, before viewing/reading/listening to something/someone, I ask to hear the mind/discernment of the Lord.  I believe Father speaks to us in all of life... and consciously open myself to hear His truths in my present moments, as my day unfolds. It is written, "His Sheep hear His Voice."  When, for some reason my DVD player would not receive the DVD... I stopped to search the mind of the Lord regarding what would He have me do instead.  Immediately the following words came and I knew I was to write them down and am led to post them before attempting to watch that DVD again. I sense this particular leading is significant.

Each of You have sinned against My Spirit ... rejected My ways ... have fallen short of the glory of My Spirit ... were bound by sin and death ... Your lower nature ... the fearful nature of the flesh ... at war with My Spirit. 

Some grieve through this awareness.... sense their loss.... seek restitution.... upon conviction and receive it through humility with inner peace and joy.

Some still live in condemnation.  Other's rejoice in the knowing... through My grace... there is no condemnation for those who are dead in Christ .... are alive through Christ.

Each of You have been set free from the power of the sin nature and eternal death since the foundations of the world... in Spirit and in Truth. Each generation comes into ... a greater Spiritual awareness of what this means experientially, as their present reality ...  as My unfolding eternal truth ... each are being given My Spiritual understanding and insight ... as You each grow into One Mature Man... an ancient spiritual mystery revealed as the coming together of the Body Of Christ... functioning through the governing power of My Holy Spirit guiding... empowering... daily renewing the Spirit of Your Mind through the power of My Word made flesh.

Salvation is eternal... it cannot be earned by You, nor can it be destroyed for it has already been accomplished in Your behalf since the foundations of the world ... it is free ... offered through unconditional love ... the price ordained by Me, has been paid by Me ... an offering of grace through true humility ... revealing My eternal truths as Your present reality.

I took the nature of sin and death ... it's consequences ... into MySelf and over came it through My union with My Son at the foundations of the world ... where each of You were hid in Him ... in the fullness of time I sent Jesus Christ to express My love... My will... the reality of My healing... restorative power... My truth... with His life... death... My Resurrection power made known... My eternal promises fulfilled openly through an outpouring of My Holy Spirit of truth and love offering redemptive... transformative... regenerative power.

At His death... in Your behalf I sent the Spirit of Jesus into Hell to set the captives free... I offer each of You the keys to Hell and death ... through His resurrection.

Not all have wanted them... believed in them... felt a need for them... understand the depth and significance of their power...

Not all have heard... some refuse to listen... such seek their own agenda...  hold to their limited mindsets...

Not all have chosen to have their Spiritual eyes and ears opened... to have a change of heart... a renewed mind... a surrendered will...

Not all are living freely in Spirit and in Truth...

Not all live by faith... choose to believe in My unfolding plan... My reality... My goodness... embrace My revealed truths as their own...

Not all choose to seek My truth ... My ways as their own ... to draw upon My discernment...  to surrender to My power... to live in reality...

Their Spirit is at war with My Spirit... My thoughts are contrary to theirs. They are ruled by their lower nature... such are in need of the restoration of their soul ... of experiencing the redemption of their eternal Spirits. Such are in need....

I will never leave or forsake them ... None of You ... You are My family.... an extension of My eternal life.  My love for each is unconditional... wherever You may Be I Am always with You.  I open blind eyes... death ears... change hearts... with received knowledge...  I have set the captives free... offering each of You eternal life, an abundant life in Your now ... through that which will come.

As each of You walk out Your salvation through fear and trembling... embrace fiery trials with the faith and truth I offer ... to bring You through ... to transform You from within ... through an awareness of the union of Our Spirits ... made known ... possible through Christ ... through Your having come to recognize You are each born to Be My child... each of those created to Be in My image...  reflecting My truth... One of many learning to walk in Spiritual discernment and truth as You daily seek to hear My voice... to graciously surrender to My revealed will... to see through the eyes of eternity.... My plan for You ... for all good ... rejoice in it's unfolding!

Enter in ... receive My fullness... with the knowing ... indeed ALL is working out for the good.  As eternal Spiritual Beings ... ALL have been created to Be In Christ ... to live in My redemptive power through His resurrection ... in Your today as well as Your tomorrow.

Please note:  I sensed while receiving them, these messages and inspired prayers are not just for myself, but can be for others, please read them with this in mind.

Please keep in mind as well, Prophecy and Prophetic Prayers do not always come into being in its fullness immediately; nor in the image we imagine.  It is given in a symbolic spiritual language which must be spiritually discerned.  When it does come to pass, our spirit will give witness to it's unfolding, gradual or immediate.... may we have ears to hear and eyes to see as it does...

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